
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures of being a mom while living my best life. Hope you have a nice stay!

Happy 1st Birthday Elliott George!

Happy 1st Birthday Elliott George!

I swear I am not crying my eyes out. Where has this last year gone? The fact we are celebrating my babies 1st Birthday today is just too much for me to handle. I can’t believe that a year ago we met Elliott George. Over the last year we have seen him grow exponentially and I can’t even begin to explain the excitement that we have to see who this little boy becomes.

My heart is bursting with joy as I watch my baby grow. I never knew I could love someone or something so much. As I write this blog post I am reminded of the long days those first few weeks of life that turned into just our normal routine. I wanted to start this blog because of Elliott. Actually every decision I make is basically because that tiny little human. It blows my mind how one tiny little human CHANGES everything you do and how you do it. I want him to know how hard I have worked to create this life we live. I know that the working mom guilt will never go away but I know that because of my job and long hours it will create so many open doors for his future. I want him to know that me going back to school and finishing my Master’s was worth it so that he will have so many opportunities. I know that the days are long but every day with little E is so worth it.

To my son:

You are the most amazing little boy I have ever met. I can’t wait to see who you grow up to be. Today you turn one year old and the amount of things your tiny little body has learned in the last 365 days amazes me. You rolled, crawled and walked about a month ahead of schedule. You love pancakes and you are headstrong. You are persistent. I hope those things never change. You are sweet and loving. As you learn new things everyday it amazes me how you someday will grow into a toddler, teenager, young adult and someday a husband. But I want you to know that you will always be my baby boy. You loved me first and I never want you to forget that. You are the light of any room and can make anyone smile. I hope those traits never change. I hope you find happiness and become the best version of yourself. As you grow I want you to remember to be kind and patient. Always ask questions and never give up on your dreams. I jokingly say I want you to live with me forever but I know someday you will spread your wings and I can’t wait to see where your life takes you. Just know I will always be a flight, a phone call or a drive away. I will be there for you NO MATTER WHAT! I hope I can always protect you from the bad of this crazy world. Your kind soul deserves nothing but good. When the days become bad or bad things happen I will always be your shoulder to cry on and show you the positive things about our amazing life. It is ok to cry and be upset but always be ready to pick yourself up and move forward. There will be hard days ahead in your life but with your support system and the right attitude you will be able to accomplish anything you set your mind on. Your daddy and I love you to the moon and back and guess what? YOU ARE ONE! Love you little boogers!

xoxo Mommy

Faster Way to Fast Loss

Faster Way to Fast Loss

WTF?! I am 30? When did that happen?

WTF?! I am 30? When did that happen?