Faster Way to Fast Loss
Let me start this post by saying I am by no means a fitness expert. I have had a lot of questions about what I did to lose the baby weight. I am not interested in telling you how to live your life or what to do. I just want to share my overall positive experience with you with my Faster Way to Fat Loss journey. Also if you are debating doing this program postpartum I actually worked closely with my coach to ensure I did not lose my milk supply. I would adjust my macros/carbs as needed and up my hydration to make sure my milk stayed and Elliott would have all of the nutrients he needed. Another key point to note is that you are fueling your body with proper nutrition and eliminating all of the processed foods. This program taught my so much about my diet and fueling my body everyday. I feel like a new person and I am so happy with my results.
Walking into the hospital for my c-section
Two Weeks Post Partum
5 months postpartum
When I got pregnant with Elliott I was probably about 10 pounds over weight in general. I was in graduate school working out when I could and eating pretty shitty to be honest. Elliott was a c-section so I knew I would be limited for 6-12 weeks on what exactly I could do. To add to the equation I was in my final semester of graduate school with a newborn just trying to survive not worried about my weight at this point. My mom had started this program and I was going on and on about how awesome it was. She kept telling me I needed to do it but I knew I could not fully commit at this time due to oh ya know just having a baby. My mom literally was getting into the BEST shape of her life and it was not that big of a deal. The first picture I will show is me walking into the hospital for my c-section. A HOT 196 lbs. I had gained 36 pounds during my pregnancy. HECK my pre pregnancy weight was 160 and that was the highest I had EVER been in my life! (I can’t believe I am disclosing my weight woof)
Now insert a two week vacation with my mother to Florida. She is very motivating and you can’t really say no to her. I knew she would make me workout every day and we would share meals. I never really thought twice about it. But while on vacation with her I lost 7 pounds just by following the plan she was doing with faster way loosely. After we got back from Florida I signed up for the 7 week program with Jill Lewis with faster way to fat loss. I started June 17th at 160 pounds. I was committed. It was $200 to join this group. It was the accountability that I needed. I needed motivation and help. SO there I was starting out.
I like to show this picture above because this was like 3-4 weeks into the program and I am wearing the exact same outfit I was wearing a month before in Florida. It looks like a totally different person wearing it.
The program incorporates carb cycling, whole foods, intermittent fasting, low macro, regular macro and treat days. All of the workouts are available on your phone. You get accountability. You get access to meal plans and gym workouts and at home workouts. You get EVERYTHING! I was blown away by everything provided to me and I was blown away more when after 7 weeks I had lost 15 more pounds. .WHAT?!?!?! and guess I was toned and gained muscle and felt good. I felt healthy. I was healthy! I had taught myself about healthy food and eliminating toxins and processed foods out of my diet. I felt accomplished in what I could do as a new mom and as a new nurse practitioner. I felt proud of myself and I felt healthy. My husband did not do any of the work outs but did the eating with me and he lost 10 pounds. As a new mom I needed something I could maintain and keep doing long term. I didn’t want a fad diet or something that I would lose all this weight and gain it right back in the end. I want to be the best version of myself for E.
If you are the least bit interested in joining the program here is a link to visit to join:
My coach was Jill Lewis and I have actually known her for years. If you have any questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer them for you!