Fourth Trimester
Ever heard of the fourth Trimester? I had not until recently. Do not worry I survived the fourth trimester.
When you google it the fourth trimester is often referred to as the day of birth through three months of life. Does anyone actually remember those first three months? I know I blacked out the first two weeks for sure. Maybe it was the norco, maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was the fact I had major abdominal surgery and was expected to care for myself and a new human. Don’t get me wrong I did it. I did it with a lot of Starbucks, oatmeal, bud light and snuggles with a newborn.
See that beautiful picture of me above…I am sure Savanna had to do a lot of editing. I see two parents running on caffeine, love and a good concealer but not good enough. Those two humans in the picture above look tired and tired does not even begin to describe the feelings. I am wearing postpartum leggings, “period” panties and a LARGE pad, probably took pain medication and my boobs were most likely leaking. But hey Savanna made us look good.
That is funny thing about the 4th trimester you have all the cute photos of a new baby and professional photos of a beautiful newborn shoot. If you are wondering why I posted the pretty photo because I am going to show you my reality of the fourth trimester below this post. I want new moms to realize that the glamor that most people show following birth is not the most realistic. My husband still took unflattering photos of me. Hell there is a picture of me at Starbucks looking like I am about to murder someone at like 1 week postpartum. (Check out insta for a good laugh).
Your whole world has changed in one day. Your whole world will be changed forever. This tiny human makes everything CHANGE. How can you love someone so much that you just met. You love them like you have known them your whole life. You love them with every ounce of your being. and yet somehow there is this feeling of I am not good enough. I am not the best for this angel baby. I don’t have any idea what I am doing. My nipples are raw. I am bleeding. I can’t sit up straight but I am doing it. I am raising a tiny human. The fourth trimester is rough like parenting but I believe it is like boot camp really rough for 12 weeks and you kind of figure it out and then you are signed up for 18 years. I don’t know if we have it figured out yet, hell my answer to most things is it’s fine or maybe he needs some tylenol. I hope that sharing my reality of getting through those first three months helps someone out there realize that it will be ok. That it’s ok if you have postpartum anxiety or baby blue or postpartum depression. This change is going to rock your world. Ask for help. Let me repeat myself ASK FOR HELP! Call your friend. Buy a Starbucks. Motherhood is lonely I realized very quickly. No one tells you how isolating it can be. My skin hurt. Why would I put on clothes when I was going to literally just nurse all day. I would go sit in my moms office for socialization and then come home. I want women reading this story to realize it will get easier and there are so many of us going through the exact same thing. Feel free to reach out to me if you just need someone to talk to. I don’t want anyone to ever feel lonely. Yes this new baby needs 110% attention but don’t forget to care for yourself along the way.
Me—30 pounds overweight, snowing outside, newborn baby, no water at our house. HATING LIFE APPARENTLY
Embracing the double chin always.
Attempting to pump and hold E because well newborns.